Drum & Bass blog of an underground DJ

Posts tagged “DJTT

Traktor Kontrol Z2: First Look!

I’m a geek, I love shiny new pieces of tech to lust over. Its compelling and I have no idea why.

So when the guys over at DJ Tech Tools posted this up I got a bit excited!


It looks like theyve pretty much covered all the bases, many of the quarrels people had with the S4; no booth outputs, shitty faders, etc. Have all been addressed!

Its not without cost though, £600 or so of cost!

For a 2 channel mixer, that’s pretty steep. But the added features do balance the cost in its favour. I’ll check it out at this years BPM and report back!

For the full review and write-up, head over to DJ Tech Tools: http://www.djtechtools.com/2012/10/04/traktor-kontrol-z2-exclusive-preview-with-ean-golden/

HID Vs Timecode

Ive often wondered of the differences between these two meduims. CDJ timecode always seems to bail on me randomly, which isnt a good look for traktor. Maybe HID is a better way to do things?

DJTechTools once again brings the goods: http://www.djtechtools.com/2012/03/01/hid-vs-timecode-comparing-digital-dj-control-systems/


I think I’ll stick to control vinyl until CDJ 2000’s become standard. Which will probably be never.

The Midi Fighter 3D!

I’ve been a big fan of DJ Tech Tools (DJTT) for a long time. Ean, the founder, who coined the term ‘controllerism’ has created a new branch of the DJ gear tree and pioneered some of the best custom DJ tools and software mappings out there.

The midi fighter has been a long-standing figure-head of the DJTT brand. Its been through several iterations over several years. Unlike many companies where iteration literally means changing the colour a bit, DJTT listen to their fan base and deliver something totally unique and interesting.

Whilst the concept of a 16 button controller is not unique, it’s the additions to this latest iteration that really caught my attention.

An accelerometer and gyroscope in the latest midi fighter is totally mad, and totally suits Ean Goldens eclectic performance routines. But it looks awesome!

I probably wouldn’t use the movement controls much, It looks like you need a bit of room for it, heh. But the 4 banks of controls, and 6 side shift buttons along with the more rugged design definitely sit well with me.

I only have to justify the price tag now 😉

Dull article here: http://www.djtechtools.com/2012/02/27/introducing-the-midi-fighter-3d/

Protecting your DJ gear

Taking expensive tech into a hot, sweaty environment, brimming with pissed up patrons is a recipie for disaster.

DJ Tech Tools has the ultimate guide to help you look after your investments while on the road: http://www.djtechtools.com/2012/02/06/protecting-your-dj-gear-the-ultimate-guide/

Side Note: This is a wicked blog. If you dont already follow, you definitely should do. Its also got one of the best forums in the DJ community.